Saturday, March 28, 2020

Discover the Disadvantages of Organic Chemistry

Discover the Disadvantages of Organic ChemistryInorganic chemistry is one of the most popular chemical and physical sciences in the world. It covers a variety of topics, but the most important part of the course is that it teaches the student how to become an expert in any particular field of science.This form of chemistry is very popular with students because it teaches students how to think critically and how to make sound decisions about situations. With this kind of chemistry, students can choose from a variety of different aspects, such as mechanics, mechanics and thermodynamics, nuclear physics, radiation physics, and atomic physics. These are the three important aspects of science that we will cover in the next few paragraphs.Inorganic chemistry is also considered to be the most challenging of all the chemistry courses. However, once a student has mastered this aspect of the course, they will have gained a solid foundation for further studies. Therefore, there is a lot to be s aid about this form of chemistry. If you want to gain a good foundation in science, you should definitely consider studying inorganic chemistry.The biggest advantage of organic chemistry is that it includes a number of different branches of science. It also includes a separate branch of chemistry, called biochemistry. A student who studies inorganic chemistry will also have to know about physics, physics and chemistry. It is therefore important for the student to know about these three different branches of science, as well as the history of science.One of the biggest disadvantages of organic chemistry is that it does not offer students any opportunities for the students to try out a wide variety of situations. In order to understand science in this way, students must learn how to be open-minded. Students who do not think like other people will not be able to fully appreciate the scientific process.When students first start studying chemistry, they may be overwhelmed with the task a t hand. The fact that they are usually asked to read a large amount of books and complete several tests means that students may often find themselves overwhelmed. However, it is important to remember that it is necessary for them to study this way so that they will be able to gain knowledge and understanding. It is important to remember that you cannot learn all of the information in the classroom.Organic chemistry is one of the most popular chemistry courses. It teaches students how to take the right decisions when it comes to science, and it also helps them to have a good foundation for further studies.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Early signs that your child is gifted - Tutor Hunt Blog

Early signs that your child is gifted Early signs that your child is gifted Early signs that your child is giftedPrimary schoolsOf course every parent knows their child is special. Sometimes other people don`t see just how perfect their little one is. Even teachers can fail to notice the true genius of their wonderful sweet darling. That is their failing though. A parent knows from the moment their child is born how remarkable they are; and if others fail to realise that, well, its their loss. Adopting a more serious tone - what if you suspect your child is truly gifted? What early signs of future brilliance would manifest in their early years? A new study form the Netherlands suggest that the signs of nascent intellectual gifts can be spotted in young children by the way they draw stick figures. Yes, you read that right: the way a child renders stick men and women can be a window into their cognitive powers All children draw stick figures - it`s almost like a rite of passage. The few extant specimens of my early `art` shows lots of smiling heads with long, spindly arms branching out. Not a torso in sight - but then many i`m a late developer. According to this new study, a child including a high number of extra details in their stick figure drawing may be a prodigy in the making. These details would include features such as freckles, make up, a moustache, a tie, hair on the arms, jewellery, and other such superfluous elements that I obviously never thought were needed in my `blob-man type` pictures. I believe I was embracing the minimalist style. Sven Mathijssen, co author of the paper ; `Identifying Highly Gifted Children by Analysing Human Figure Drawings: An Explorative Study` has responded to criticism over his study, specifically the claim that `drawing IQ` bears no relation to academic intelligence: `What is considered to be gifted goes beyond a high IQ. For example, the role of creativity in the form of generating novel ideas, thinking flexibly and out-of-the-box is widely considered to be a sign of giftedness. But these children give unusual answers to intelligence tests. Their answers are not necessarily wrong but cannot be considered correct, because they are not mentioned in the scoring manuals of the used tests.` Most schools have what is called a `Gifted and Talented` coordinator, and it is up to them to ensure the needs of exceptional children are met. In reality though, if a child is a true prodigy, the parents will have to be extremely active in ensuring these rare gifts do not go to waste. Early indicators of talent usually manifest in specific abilities, such as music, mathematics or language. A gifted child will have a far larger vocabulary than its peers, using both longer words, and constructing larger sentences than their friends. It is also likely that they will begin talking earlier, making significant forays into the world of language in their second year. Mathematical talent should be easy to spot - is your child adept at manipulating numbers? Do they know their times tables before any of their friends? Perhaps they show a focused interest in numbers and computer programming, and and attempt to express themselves through algebra and coding. Exceptional musical ability should also be easy to discern - does your child always appear to sing in tune? Can they remember many different melodies, and sing them on command? If they are learning an instrument, their teacher should be keenly aware of any signs of precociousness. Does your child process the rare gift of perfect pitch? Can they sing, without the aid of a reference tone, any single note on command? This simply means that if you ask your child to sing a C, or an F#, they can do so immediately. They will also be able to reproduce a melody (or part of it) on their instrument after hearing it just once. Perfect pitch is a very rare gift - one that cannot be learnt as an adult. In the west its incidence is as sparse as 1 in 10,000 people. In the eastern countries where the population speak tonal languages, such as mandarin, and words change their meaning depending on certain pitch characteristics, its occurrence is 30% higher. For gifted children to become gifted adults their talents must be nurtured. To even say a child is `gifted` is somewhat misleading. A more accurate labelling - if labels are needed - would be that they have potential. If a child with prodigious mathematical talents is not guided and taught, their mind stimulated and encouraged to grow to its full potential, they will only be frustrated, and their potential squandered. If a musical prodigy is not given the right kind of training, their gifts will atrophy, and the vestiges of their talent may be nothing more than knowing what tones the doorbell chimes with. 2 years ago0Add a Comment

Why College Applicants Need to Look at the Big Picture - TutorNerds

Why College Applicants Need to Look at the Big Picture - TutorNerds 4 Things to Help College Applicants Look at the Big Picture College applicants have either received their acceptance letters or will receive them soon. The lull between college applications and acceptance letters can be a time of uncertainty and anxiety, but students are encouraged to think about the big picture and not worry too much about the specifics of their current situation. Of course, this is much easier said than done but there are some things students can think about that will encourage them to look at the big picture and maintain a positive attitude our private San Diego college admissions consultants are here to help you get into the university of your dreams. 1. A college education The most critical thing college prep students should remember is that they are applying to college so they can get a post-secondary education. This will help them with their career, earning potential, stability, and overall life opportunities. In the end, there are so many different ways to get a 4-year degree. Students can attend their dream school, attend their safety school, or go to community college for two years and transfer. The important thing is that college admittance, to any university, can help a student reach their goals. 2. Earning potential When students are looking at financial aid options and scholarship opportunities it can become daunting to think about the remaining balance they will have to pay out-of-pocket. Even students who receive scholarships or financial aid will likely have to get help from parents or family, get a part-time job, or take out substantial loans to pay for their education. Students are encouraged to think about how these four years can help their overall earning potential for the rest of their lives. In the meantime, students can look for the hundreds of small and large scholarships available and should apply for every one theyre eligible for (READ: San Diego College Tutoring Tips: 5 Great Ways to Help Pay for College). 3. Studying within their chosen field At this point, students dont know which colleges and universities they will be accepted to. It can be very nerve-wracking to be waiting on important information such as this, but students are encouraged to focus on the fact that they will have an opportunity to study within their chosen field. Students can get a business degree or a teaching degree, for example, from countless different universities or can work towards the first two years of general education while theyre thinking about which major they want to choose. 4. Holistic admissions process Students are encouraged to remember that most colleges and universities use a holistic admissions process, meaning they focus on the whole student. They will, indeed, look at test scores and GPA but they will also look at the student’s statement and supplemental essays as well as their community service and recommendations. Students who are feeling unsure about their GPA or test scores are encouraged to remember that colleges are looking at them as a unique individual and that they will have a lot to offer the college they end up attending. If students apply to a balanced list of schools, they will likely be looking forward to some good news in the spring. Are you starting you college application process? Our San Diego private college admissions consultants are here to help. Members of the TutorNerds team and our private tutors write every blog post. If you have any questions about our blog, please email us at

Thursday, March 5, 2020

?? Are mobile devices affecting your family

?? Are mobile devices affecting your family Are mobile devices affecting your family? A recent article published by the BBC reports that ‘An overuse of mobile phones by parents disrupts family life, according to a survey of secondary pupils.’An alarming amount of pupils who took part in the survey claim that they have previously had to ask their parents to stop using their mobile devices, some even reported this happening at meal time. However only a small percentage of parents felt that they spent too much time on their devices.This can raise a lot of questions about how online and mobile usage can affect how families spend time together. While mobile devices have plenty of advantages, such as; ease of keeping in touch, ability to capture photos quickly while you’re all together and searching the internet in seconds, they can also have a detrimental effect on family life.What might only seem like a quick scroll through Facebook or Instagram, can turn into half an hour gone in the blink of an eye, involved in an online world and not communicating in the real wor ld.It’s not just parents that this happens to though, children are using mobile devices just as much, if not more. In some cases, children are using their mobile devices late into the night and this can lead to sleep deprivation.Asking your child to use their phone less, will be much less effective if you’re an avid user of technology yourself, as they will find this unfair and dismiss your request.Setting aside a set amount of time everyday for family time is a great idea for both parents and children. If you’ve all been caught up in virtual life for a while, you’ll be surprised at what stuff you may have missed. Setting aside one day a weekend to go out as a family and have a meal together, with no technology, can be great for strengthening your family relationship.Having a strong family bond also helps encourage children to come to you with any problems they may be having (online and offline), which can be greatly important in solving any issues and helping your child sta y safe. What are your thoughts on having some family ‘offline’ time? Is this something that you’d like to do or maybe already implement? Let us know what you think and also any other advice you may have in the comments below.

Getting Through Your Math Homework -- Online

Getting Through Your Math Homework -- Online Online Math Homework Help -- the BasicsIn this blog, I’m going to lay out a system for finding, organizing and developing your math homework skills online. Web tools, sites and services can enhance your abilities and make it easier for you to not only to breeze through your math homework, but to retain more of the information that you’ve put down on paper. Because while it is often simple to just do the homework itself, it is more difficult to come away from the assignment feeling that you understand why the problems worked out in the way they did, or how the methods that you used might be reapplied later on a test or quiz. Enter the Khan Academy The first website that I will mention is the Khan Academy by Salman Khan. As a triple major in math, electrical engineering and computer science, Mr. Khan began his educational mission by tutoring his 7th grade niece â€" just like FrogTutoring does for its clients. Mr. Khan’s website uses traditional blackboard-style diagrams and combines these with modern video technology to create web-based video tutorials that can serve you well when you are in a pinch or preparing for a last-minute exam. His website is available here: It can be a useful supplement to your FrogTutoring private sessions, as many students will not be able to stay engaged during a web video, or might become easily distracted by sidebars, or other available media. So to counteract these difficulties, stick with your child throughout the course â€" or if you are a student, write down a practice schedule for going through the problems, checking your answers and defining terms (refer to my first bl og for a run-through on how to self-test and get the most out of your homework). WebMathAnother useful math homework help tool online is the database of problem sets, answer sheets, and lesson plans provided by Web Math at Here, you may search among a series of problem types from different disciplines within mathematics, such as Geometry, Algebra, Trigonometry, and more. For preparing for the GED or high school exit exam, you’d like to combine several of these subjects as you work through the website; or create your own curriculum to maximize your potential for success on the ensuing exams. While using these programs on their own can be effective, it is far more beneficial to allow a course tutor to assist you with a set of problems, with your workload or your plan for achieving your educational goals. With a FrogTutor by your side, you can register with Khan Academy or Web Math, and have your tutor prepare a list of relevant projects for you to tackle as you confront the course. Getting Online -- But Staying the CourseThese two offerings, the Khan Academy and Web Math, are both available as smartphone apps. However, the bottom line is that doing your math homework online, or electronically, can be either a boon or a bane. If you are an independent learner and prefer the challenge of learning on your own, then go ahead and try a few sets of Khan Academy or Web Math sets â€" you might find them challenging, or easy, but either way you will come away with knowledge of yourself and your own abilities, preferences and aptitudes. If you are more of a social learner, and you enjoy exchanging ideas with classmates or receiving instruction within a group setting, then allow yourself to be led and guided by a tutor, or to be shown the way by more knowledgeable, informed or committed classmates. Either way, do not allow yourself to fall off course or to become scattered and disorganized in your study schedule and discipline. It is important to achieve results via the application of tried and true methods, including persistent review and far-thinking planning. No matter what, if you remain constant in your pursuit of success, then you WILL see results over time. Just make sure to self-check and review as you go, so you know where to focus throughout the day-to-day course of your math studies! I hope these two online study guides provide some level of support and help for you as you navigate the challenging waters of mathematics. Relax and enjoy the ride!

NJ Student Prep - Tutoring for English Khan Exam

NJ Student Prep - Tutoring for English Khan ExamTo help NJ students preparing for the English Khan exam, New Jersey for English Khan Academy offers tutoring services. In a world where scores are measured in multiple choices, it is no surprise that there are many opportunities for students to take tests. Each school has their own requirements, but all offer test prep classes in order to help students prepare for their annual exams.English Khan Academy provides tutoring in the language of instruction in order to help NJ students prepare for the English Khan exam. The service includes multiple choice tests, essay writing assignments, and reading comprehension exercises. Each step of the test preparation process can be customized to meet the needs of the student.The English Khan Academy service is designed to help NJ students plan ahead for the Test Preparation Boot Camp. The tutoring service allows students to log on to the internet to create their own personalized study guide to assist them in preparing for the English Khan exam. This customized study guide helps students understand the material by reviewing the material they have already studied. Students can review the material in order to prepare for the next section, or even examine the material in order to reinforce what they have learned.By choosing the most appropriate test prep program for NJ students, students can evaluate the tutoring program they have chosen to help them prepare for the English Khan exam. Not only can students use the English Khan Academy study guide to help them prepare for the English Khan exam, but also study books, textbooks, audio books, and CD's. All materials can be used in conjunction with the study guide to further prepare for the test.The tutoring service provides tutoring for NJ students preparing for the English Khan exam by planning study sessions with the student and their parents. The parent will be in the room with the student during the session and the teacher can obse rve the session to help the student practice.In order to use the tutoring services available from New Jersey's for English Khan Academy, students will need to have their NJ student ID's. Parents are also advised to have their NJ student ID with them when they call to make appointments for the tutoring sessions. If the parent has questions regarding the available tests or methods of studying, they should ask about this with the student.The New Jersey's for English Khan Academy tutoring service is designed to help NJ students prepare for the English Khan exam. The service includes multiple choice tests, essay writing assignments, and reading comprehension exercises.

How Can I Learn to Speak and Write the New Dvorak Keyboard?

How Can I Learn to Speak and Write the New Dvorak Keyboard?The decision to learn the Dvorak keyboard is not really an easy one. The 'keyboard' is one of the most popular and fashionable methods of displaying one's native tongue. It can also become a symbol of one's own preferences, based on the type of preferred letter. So the choice to learn this new alphabet can either be useful, or a source of frustration.The Dvorak writing system is well known in the United States and many other countries. But how do you learn this new keyboard layout? For most people, this system can be quite difficult to learn. There are many different ways to learn to use the new language. You could even consider using a learning method like Microsoft 'speaks' or Apple 'Ming'.An online Dvorak typing tutor may be able to assist you with this challenge. Online learning methods allow you to learn the system at your own pace, and many websites offer an interactive environment where you can communicate with someone over the internet.People have learned to read and write English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, and many other languages. But they did not learn the letters of the new 'keyboard'. With a Dvorak typing tutor, you could learn how to say a language in which you enjoy the most and then learn to write it on the new alphabet.Dvorak typing students often do not feel comfortable in making mistakes or talking over the computer, so a tutor can help you. In fact, they can also help you make a very good pronunciation. A good tutor will give you practice drills but also offer a greater variety of approaches to improving your fluency.When you find a good Dvorak typing tutor, you will find that there are many things you can get help with. There are ways to eliminate spelling mistakes, how to speak the language, and how to correct the course of a speech, how to perform basic word recognition exercises, and how to speak about the concept of the words.With the advice and assi stance of a Dvorak typing tutor, you should be able to study for a standard, and you will have an excellent keyboard for speaking and writing the new language. This way, you can give the gift of a new language to someone who understands the most.